Sunday, April 2, 2017

Map Of My Heart

During the month of February the children showed interest in the world and the places we have travelled. This interest also led some students to explore maps.  To deepen their learning of maps and expand in the learning that was taking place, I read a special book called, My Map Book.  Inside you are introduced to a little boy and the maps of all the things that have meaning to him - a map of his bedroom, a map of his tummy, a map of his day and a map of his family.  The students took some time to reflect and think about what was most important to them.  Each student wrote down a list of 3-5 things that were most important to their hearts.  Next, they cut out a shape of their heart and drew lines to show it's pieces. Next, students used their original lists and drew pictures and wrote words within the pieces of their heart.  Last, a light paint was washed over top to complete their maps.  We are so proud of the hard work and perseverance the children showed when completing this multi-stepped task.  

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