Tuesday, March 14, 2017

2D Shapes

Dear Families, 

We have begun exploring 2D shapes.  We are learning to recognize shapes like square, triangles, rectangles and circles in our school, home and communities.  We have been learning how one shape is different from other shapes.  For example, a square has 4 equal sides and 4 corners.  A circle has no sides and no corners. 

 In the above pictures we used large shapes taped to the floor to explore each shapes special characteristics.  We took turns walking along the perimeter of each shape, counting each side and identifying corners. This also lead us to compare each shape and how they were similar or different. 

We read the story, Mouse Shapes.  This lead to a group discussion about how shapes are useful to us, especially when drawing.  We have been using illustrations in books to show how shapes can be used to create a picture.  

Image result for mouse shapes

We have been spying shapes around our classroom, using geoboards to make pictures and designs using various shapes, and built shapes as a whole group using different materials like straws, yarn, pipe cleaners, and popsicle sticks.  This particular group activity was a great way for the students to problem solve.  They individually had to think about the shape in question and it's characteristics.  Then, they had to choose which material was best for building their shape. When I called out, "circle", I was pleasantly surprised to see that not one student attempted to build a circle using a straw or something similar. Students were quick to choose a pipe cleaner or yarn to create their circle!

At home you can play a game of "I Spy" with your child.  Say, "I spy, with my little eye, something in the house that looks like a triangle... or a square....
Or, you can provide different materials for your child to create shapes with.  Shapes are everywhere!! Math is everywhere!!

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