Monday, March 28, 2016

Popcorn Words & Snuggle Books

This week, SK parents should have found a list of the kindergarten high frequency words AKA Popcorn Words! These words often "pop" up in the stories we read. Every week we focus on 2 new words and practice them by chanting them, stretching them out and searching for them in sentences on the smart board. Although we haven't studied them all as of yet, parents and children are still encouraged to be word detectives and search for them while reading. JK students participate in the practicing of these words as well 😀!!  Although it's not an expectation, parents who are in interested in having a copy of the popcorn words for their child's Snuggle Bag can jot a note in the Communication Book.

I hope you are enjoying the reading program at home and that your child finds it motivating. Many students are more than half way to 100 books!!! Remember you can include any book you read from home. 

Happy Reading!!!

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